Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

fqDGWAx4-Qc Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

1hjXs4SOsdk The Saturn 'Synchronicity' Following three Saturn 29 year 'Return Cycle' beginning in March 1936 reveal an surprising symmetry of past major events and newsworthy occurrences that have had obvious global significance. Saturn's sidereal period (orbit around sun) takes 29.42 Earth-y...

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

zai4lisSQK4 Two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant earthquakes to be registered at high latitudes (Alaska, Norwegian Sea) between 7.0- 7.5 Magnitude on either April 15-16...

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Major X1.6 Solar Flare & Earth Directed CME - Sep 10, 2014

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Active Region 12158 has just unleashed a Major X-Class Solar Flare peaking to X1.6 at 17:45 UTC
this afternoon. A powerful Full Halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has followed this eruption and will be heading directly towards the earth with impact on earths magnetic field late September 13 into 14 where a strong geomagnetic storm will be possible. Associated with this event  was a Type II & IV Radio emission with a velocity of 3750 km/s and a R3 Radio blackout.

M4.6 SOLAR FLARE & CME - September 9, 2014

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Active Region 12158 unleashed a long duration M4.6 solar flare this morning at 00:29 UTC.  A coronal mass ejection (CME) is now visible in the latest SOHO imagery and appears there maybe a component of the CME that may brush earths magnetic field and deliver a glancing blow late on September 12th where a weak geomagnetic storm could be possible the following day. Associated with this event was a Type II and Type IV radio emissions and a 10cm Radio Burst (Ten Flare) measuring 370 solar flux units with a duration of 10 minutes.
more information and updates once more data is processed.

M-Class Solar Flares August 21-22, 2014

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A new active region 12149 rotating off the east limb erupted producing two M-Class Solar Flares. The first an M3.4 at 13:31 UTC Thursday and an M1.2 Solar Flare at 06:34 this morning. No Earth Bound coronal ejection is expected from these blasts due to the proximity of the active region with respect to the earth position.

Eruptive M5.9 Solar Flare - August 24, 2014

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An Eruptive M5.9 Solar Flare was reported from active region 12151 at 12:17 UTC today. A large Plasma cloud has been observed leaving the blast site and a significant Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been caught on latest solar imagery. The main bulk of the ejecta should miss the Earth but there may be a component that could give the earth a glancing blow and with it a high probability for auroras and geomagnetic storms sometime during August 27th.

New Zealand Earthquake Watch August 9-11, 2014

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New Zealand Earthquake Watch August 9-11 !
Significant Planetary Alignment (Earth-Sun-Mercury on Aug 8), Lunar Perigee (Aug 10) and the Geodetic crossing of Mercury across the New Zealand Region combined with simultaneous Lunar-Celestial connectivity may foreshadow a potential 7.0 Magnitude Earthquake for the New Zealand mainland during August 9-11, 2014

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