Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

fqDGWAx4-Qc Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

1hjXs4SOsdk The Saturn 'Synchronicity' Following three Saturn 29 year 'Return Cycle' beginning in March 1936 reveal an surprising symmetry of past major events and newsworthy occurrences that have had obvious global significance. Saturn's sidereal period (orbit around sun) takes 29.42 Earth-y...

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

zai4lisSQK4 Two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant earthquakes to be registered at high latitudes (Alaska, Norwegian Sea) between 7.0- 7.5 Magnitude on either April 15-16...

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Mount Shindake Volcanic Eruption, Japan | May 29, 2015

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Mount Shindake Volcanic Eruption, Japan  May 29, 2015
A violent volcanic eruption in southern Japan on Friday forced scores of people to evacuate and shot a huge column of ash high into the air.

Earthquake Watch | May 27-30, 2015

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Significant Earthquakes Watch May 27-30, 2015

Targeting a strong positive polarity Coronal Hole (CH669) on the solar corona. After close analysis i have isolated an area (8-15°S latitude). This coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 7.0 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:
South Of Java | Solomon Islands-Santa Cruz Islands | Central Peru | Comoros Region
Forecast Magnitude 6.7-7.0

MAJOR X2.7 Solar Flare & SUNDIVING Comet | May 5, 2015

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Newly numbered Active Region 12339 rotating the northeastern limb of the solar corona just unleashed an impulsive X2.7 Solar Flare at 22:11 UTC May 5th. This impulsive eruption was short lasting but produced a significant Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which does not have an earth bound component as the ejecta was discharged upward and well behind the earth position. This eruption took place while a Sundiving comet was spotted heading towards the Sun. This event contributed to a magnetic filament in the souther hemisphere of the solar corona while an earth-facing position becoming unstable and released itself sending its own CME towards the earth. This should become geoeffective sometime May 9 where auroras will be possible at high latitude here on the earth.

Planetary Alignment - Earthquake Watch | May 14-15, 2015

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Planetary Alignment - Earthquake Watch | May 14-15, 2015 !
This forecast targets May 14 &15 as significant due to a Major Planetary Alignment involving Mars-Earth and Saturn. Using a strong Coronal Hole (CH667) and past Planetary Geometry to find locations that could be at risk for a potential Magnitude 7.2-7.5 Earthquake during this two day watch window. Areas to watch: Sea Of Okhotsk, Kuril Islands, Kermadec Islands and South America. Time Frame May 14-15

Volcano/Earthquake Watch | April 30-May 5, 2015

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Volcano/Earthquake Watch | April 30-May 5, 2015 !
Targeting a strong Coronal Hole (CH665) on the solar corona. After further analysis i have isolated an area (2-7°S latitude). This coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 6.5 Magnitude Earthquake in one of these listed locations in Papua New Guinea during this watch period:
New Britain Region, New Ireland Region, Eastern New Guinea or Near The South Coast Of Papua New Guinea
Forecast Magnitude 6.2-6.5   Time Frame April 30-May 2, 2015

Targeting a very large unnumbered Coronal Hole on the solar corona. After further analysis i have isolated an area (27-36°N latitude). This coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:
Western Sichuan China | Kyushu, Japan | Western Honshu, Japan | Izu Islands |Gulf Of California | Southern California | Baja California
Forecast Magnitude 7.0-7.5   Time Frame May 2-5, 2015

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