Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

fqDGWAx4-Qc Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

1hjXs4SOsdk The Saturn 'Synchronicity' Following three Saturn 29 year 'Return Cycle' beginning in March 1936 reveal an surprising symmetry of past major events and newsworthy occurrences that have had obvious global significance. Saturn's sidereal period (orbit around sun) takes 29.42 Earth-y...

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

zai4lisSQK4 Two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant earthquakes to be registered at high latitudes (Alaska, Norwegian Sea) between 7.0- 7.5 Magnitude on either April 15-16...

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M 8.3 Earthquake Chile - Tsunami Hits Coast Sep 16, 2015

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M 8.3 Earthquake Chile - Tsunami Hits Coast  | Sep 16, 2015
Tsunami alert as Chile hit by powerful earthquake
A powerful earthquake has hit central Chile, causing buildings to sway in the capital Santiago, officials say. The 8.3-magnitude tremor was centred off the coast, about 144 miles (232km) north-west of the capital.

New Zealand Earthquake Watch | Sep 30-Oct 2, 2015

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New Zealand Earthquake Watch | Sep 30-Oct 2, 2015
The Significant Planetary Alignment Earth-Sun-Mercury on September 30 and the SUPERMOON / Lunar Perigee September 28 combining into simultaneous Lunar-Celestial connectivity may foreshadow a potential 6.5-7.0 Magnitude Earthquake for the New Zealand mainland during September 30-October 2nd, 2015

Western Australia Radar Anomaly | August 20, 2015

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Western Australia Radar Anomaly | August 20, 2015
Australian BOM website
weatherzone website

M5.6 Solar Flare - August 24, 2015

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M5.6 Solar Flare - August 24, 2015, 2015
Active Region 12403 at 7:33 this morning unleashed the strongest solar flare since June 25 (M7.9). Todays event peaked to M5.6 while this large active region was in a direct earth-facing position, this implies any Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) resulting from this eruption will be sent directly towards the earth. Possible strong impact on Earths magnetic field is possible sometime on August 27 where geomagnetic storms should result. Strong auroras should be seen to mid to high latitudes late August 27th. This event was accurately forecasted in the August Newsletter.

Volcano/Earthquake Watch | August 21-28, 2015

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Volcano/Earthquake Watch | August 21-28, 2015, 2015
Two Coronal Hole formations are highlighted during this Earthquake Watch. A large Northern Hemisphere (CH683) situated to 28-35 Degrees indicate a potential for a Magnitude 6.2-6.5. Earthquake watch issued for the time frame of August 21-24 with areas of prime focus being:
California | Japan or China.

The second Coronal Hole represents a potential Magnitude 7.2-7.5 Earthquake for the south pacific islands during August 26-28 with areas of focus: Vanuatu | Fiji | Tonga

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