M-FLARE From Nowhere !! An impulsive M-Class Solar flare was registered from an active region yet to rotate the northeastern limb (Old Region 11853), the eruption produced a large Halo Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which does not have an earth directed component due to the proximity of the active region/blast site with respect to the Earth. Today's M1.5 occurred at 07:23 UTC. The flare itself may have been larger than the actual officially reported M1.5 due to the active region being behind the northeastern limb. Associated with this eruption was a TenFlare measuring 380 solar flux units.
M1.3 Solar Flare & Possible Earth Bound CME Oct 15, 2013
TRIPLE M-CLASS FLARES ! Three M-Class solar flares were registered today from active region 11865. M1.8 at 8:38, M1.1 at 9:00 and an impulsive M1.3 Solar Flare at 23:36. With very limited available imagery there appears to be a Full Halo coronal mass ejection (CME) headed in earths direction although faint and any geomagnetic activity would occur sometime during October 19th.