X1-Class Solar Flare - October 25, 2014

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Active Region 12192 unleashed another major Solar Flare today. Peaking to X1 at 17:08 UTC. This long duration event (LDE) appears to have little or no associated Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). This active region was directly earth-facing at the time of the eruption all previous eruptive events from this active region have send out faint CME's well south of the ecliptic plane and aimed well south of the earth.

Major EARTH FACING X3.1 Solar Flare - Oct 24, 2014

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Active Region 12192 unleashed another major Solar Flare today. Peaking to X3.1 at 21:40 UTC. Associated with this event was an R3 Radio Blackout with a duration of 19 minutes. This long duration event appears to have a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) but not yet visible on satellite imagery, this active region was directly earth-facing at the time of the eruption and and any outgoing CME will be earth directed. more information once solar imagery is available.

California Earthquake Swarm Precursors Aug 26, 2012

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Strong Earthquake swarm in Southern California today may indicate a valid precursor relationship linking to past seismic activity in the area which are highlighted in this short video.

Earthquake Migration, Kinetic Energy Transfer through tectonic plates, Newtons Cradle, Meridian Migration, Precursor, Fore-shocks

EQ Meridian Playlist

Major X1.6 Solar Flare - October 22, 2014

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Active Region 12192 produced another major solar flare, this time peaking to X1.6 at 14:28 UTC. Associated with this blast was a R3 radio blackout. No significant Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been seen following this eruption.

Strong M8.7 Solar Flare - October 22, 2014

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Active Region 12192 continues to produce sizable solar flares with 8 M-Class and an X1.1 barrage in less than four days, the latest a very strong M8.7 at 01:59 UTC this morning. As yet no significant Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) have followed these eruptions with the bulk of ejecta heading well south of the ecliptic plane. This Active Region will be earth-facing in 2-3 days, meanwhile the north eastern limb another significant active region is about to rotate onto the earth-facing side of the disk. More information when solar imagery updates.

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