M2-Class Solar Flare Nov 12, 2012

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Rapid growth from Active Region 11613
produced a moderate M2 Class Solar Flare at 23:33 UT yesterday, further news - A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is expected to impact the earth in the coming hours and a G1 or G2 class geomagnetic storm is possible. more news shortly

Volcano/Earthquake Watch | August 21-28, 2015

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Volcano/Earthquake Watch | August 21-28, 2015, 2015
Two Coronal Hole formations are highlighted during this Earthquake Watch. A large Northern Hemisphere (CH683) situated to 28-35 Degrees indicate a potential for a Magnitude 6.2-6.5. Earthquake watch issued for the time frame of August 21-24 with areas of prime focus being:
California | Japan or China.

The second Coronal Hole represents a potential Magnitude 7.2-7.5 Earthquake for the south pacific islands during August 26-28 with areas of focus: Vanuatu | Fiji | Tonga

Earthquake Watch August 3-7, 2015 (Saturn 13° Cycle)

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Earthquake Watch August 3-7, 2015 (Saturn 13° Cycle)
Three important planetary alignments the first week of August, which include the Venus-Jupiter conjunction could foreshadow a major earthquake threat during August 3-7. Using the 13 Degree cycle of Saturn highlight August for an Magnitude 8 Earthquake.

M1.7 Solar Flare - Nov 8, 2012

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A Long Duration (LDE) eruption from a new active region rotating the north-eastern limb at 02:23UT this morning, A very large Coronal Mass Ejection(CME) was observed leaving the sun a 03:10UT. The CME is not earth directed. This active Region will be numbered in the next 12 hours.

Australia Earthquake Watch | July 29-31, 2015

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Australia Earthquake Watch | July 29-31, 2015
Strong planetary geometry and hyper symmetry with past earthquakes across Australia indicates a high potential for a strong M 5.5-5.8 Earthquake during July 29-31, 2015. Specifically isolating:
Northern Territory & South Australia
Forecast Magnitude 5.5-5.8

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