South Australia RADAR Anomaly | Jan 27, 2016

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South Australia RADAR Anomaly | Jan 27, 2016
Australian BOM website
weatherzone website

Major X1.4 Solar Flare - July 12, 2012

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Active Region 11520 just unleashed a major and long duration eruption reaching X1.4 at 16:52 UTC Today. Associated with this blast was a Strong R3 Radio Blackout over central America. A Coronal Mass Ejection(CME) watch is now in affect as this eruption was in an earth-facing position. will update shortly

Planetary Alignment Earthquake Watch | Feb 28-Mar 4, 2016

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Planetary Alignment Earthquake Watch | Feb 28-Mar 4, 2016
Four simultaneous planetary alignments take place the last two days of February with One Geocentric alignment and three Heliocentric. Planetary geometry of these almost simultaneous interactions should coincide with very high levels of solar activity from February 27-29 but also the potential for significant geophysical events felt here on the Earth. Therefore a significant watch for a major earthquake from February 28 to March 4, 2016 with the forecast magnitude of this event expected (M 8.0-8.5). This event highlights subduction zone prone areas of the 'Pacific Ring Of Fire'. Alternatively if this forecast event occurs intra-plate the magnitude would be one point lower with harmonic data suggesting an area to watch would be the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey for a possible M7.0-7.5 Earthquake during this watch period.

Western Australia Radar Anomaly | January 13, 2016

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Western Australia Radar Anomaly | January 13, 2016
Australian BOM website
weatherzone website

Earthquake Forecast December (Australia/New Zealand)

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Earthquake Forecast December (Australia/New Zealand)

This video is a monthly Earthquake forecast for New Zealand and the Australia region. These videos are available monthly on the solarwatcher.net website for subscribers and is uploaded publicly to showcase what is available on the website. More information about this research can be found below.

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