Dim lights FREE 2016 Earthquake Forecast For NZ (PDF File) Click Newsletter Tab or Download Link Below- http://solarwatcher.net/index.php?option=com_mediashop&view=simpleitem&Itemid=111
Multiple Radar Anomalies Australia | April 20, 2016
Multiple Radar Anomalies Australia | April 20, 2016
STRONG M6.7 Solar Flare - April 18, 2016
Dim lights STRONG M6.7 Solar Flare - April 18, 2016 Active Region 12529 just unleashed an impulsive M6.7 Solar Flare at 00:29 UTC this morning. Associated with this blast was a Type II radio emission with a velocity of 1869 km/s. A large Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is now visible on the STEREO Ahead Satellite and does look to have an earth-directed component which should provide geomagnetic storming sometime April 21st where Aurora should be visible at mid to high latitudes.
M1.2 CLASS SOLAR FLARE ! Big Active Region 11654 has produced a moderate but impulsive M1.2 Class Solar Flare at 09:11 UT today. A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is expected in the coming hours as ejecta has been observed exiting the blast area with possible earth bound components. Solar activity has been very quiet but this active region is the most active and looks likely to produce more M-Class flares in the coming days.
Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch | April 14-22, 2016
Dim lights Solar Eclipse-Earthquake Watch | March 8-10, 2016
Two Heliocentric planetary alignments taking place day one of this watch period (Venus-Sun-Jupiter) and (Mercury-Venus-Neptune) culminate into one Geocentric alignment (Venus-Uranus Conjunction) at the end of this Earthquake Watch with Mars stationed and moving Direct (April 17) may foreshadow multiple Magnitude 7 Earthquakes during this 8 day window. Planetary geometry of these almost simultaneous interactions should coincide with very high levels of solar activity from April 14-15 but also the potential for significant geophysical events felt here on the Earth. Therefore a significant watch for a major earthquake from April 14-22, 2016 with the forecast magnitude of this event expected above (M 7.0). Areas of interest during this important Earthquake Watch have a Alignment/Earthquake symmetry. Specifically isolating Sea Of Okhotsk, San Juan, Argentina, Southern Italy, Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan as possible locations that may receive significant shaking from mid April.