GEOMAGENTIC STORM ! Two Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's) are expected to impact the earth in the next 24 hours and a G1-Class Geomagnetic storm will be possible shortly after. Solar activity is expected to go quiet again after these active regions rotate off the earth-facing disk over the next 36 hours.
Volcano / Earthquake Watch Targeting a negative polarity Coronal Hole (CH550). After further analysis i have isolated two areas (40-43°S latitude) and (42-45°S latitude), these features may produce one or two possible 7.0 Magnitude earthquake(s) in one of these listed locations during this watch period: South Island New Zealand (Christchurch)
Los Lagos, Chile Aisen, Chile Cook Strait, New Zealand Prince Edward Islands Region Time Frame Jan 25-28
Dim lights Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch (May 20-25, 2016)
Two very powerful Geocentric Planetary Alignments taking place involving Mars (Earth-Mars-Sun May 22nd) and (Venus-Earth-Mars May 25th) may be a strong foreshadow for significant earthquakes felt here on the Earth with a potential magnitude M7.2. These Multiple connections could indicate another significant increase in seismicity from May 20 through to May 25 due to the added influence of the Moon. Areas that could receive this event are:
Northern-Central Peru | India-Nepal | Aleutian Islands, Alaska | Iceland Region
Australia/New Zealand Earthquake Forecast for May (2016)
Dim lights Australia/New Zealand Earthquake Forecast May 2016 content only available at made public today to showcase the content available upon subscription.