Major X1.2 Solar Flare | March 29, 2023

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MAJOR X2.7 Solar Flare & SUNDIVING Comet | May 5, 2015

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Newly numbered Active Region 12339 rotating the northeastern limb of the solar corona just unleashed an impulsive X2.7 Solar Flare at 22:11 UTC May 5th. This impulsive eruption was short lasting but produced a significant Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) which does not have an earth bound component as the ejecta was discharged upward and well behind the earth position. This eruption took place while a Sundiving comet was spotted heading towards the Sun. This event contributed to a magnetic filament in the souther hemisphere of the solar corona while an earth-facing position becoming unstable and released itself sending its own CME towards the earth. This should become geoeffective sometime May 9 where auroras will be possible at high latitude here on the earth.

Major X2.3 Solar Flare | February 17, 2023

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MAJOR X2.1 SOLAR FLARE | March 3, 2023

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Major X1.1 Solar Flare | February 11, 2023

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Major X1.1 Solar Flare | February 11, 2023

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