TWIN M-CLASS SOLAR FLARES ! Active Region 12017 produced an M2.0 solar flare at 19:18 UTC and M2.6 solar flare at 23:51 UTC yesterday. Two strong Coronal Mass Ejections (CME's) have left the blast site and may have components heading earths way although impact is expected to be weak on earth magnetic field (Forecast Kp 4 during April 2nd) and may produce auroras at very high latitudes.
Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch March 2-4, 2014 Two very strong Planetary Alignments (Venus-Sun-Uranus on March 2), (Mars-Venus-Mercury on March 4) combined Lunar alignments March 3&4 with Uranus and Mars may indicate a potential for an earthquake to be registered at high latitudes between 7.2- 7.5 Magnitude during this watch period.
MAJOR X-1.8 Solar Flare / Solar Watch Oct 23, 2012
MAJOR X-FLARE !! An Impulsive X1.8 Solar Flare was reported at 03:18UT Today, from active region 11598. The flare produced a short lasting R2 Level Radio Blackout and 10cm Radio Burst. No Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) has been observed at the time of making this video, updates will follow