Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

fqDGWAx4-Qc Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

1hjXs4SOsdk The Saturn 'Synchronicity' Following three Saturn 29 year 'Return Cycle' beginning in March 1936 reveal an surprising symmetry of past major events and newsworthy occurrences that have had obvious global significance. Saturn's sidereal period (orbit around sun) takes 29.42 Earth-y...

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

zai4lisSQK4 Two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant earthquakes to be registered at high latitudes (Alaska, Norwegian Sea) between 7.0- 7.5 Magnitude on either April 15-16...

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M5.5 Solar Flare / Solar Watch Aug 18, 2012

Dim lights

A new sunspot rotating the north eastern limb has unleashed four M-Class solar flares in the last 12 hours, the largest peaking to M5.5 at 1:07 UT this morning. This new region will be numbered once it rotates fully onto the earth facing side of the disk.

Volcano / Earthquake Watch Aug 17-21, 2012

Dim lights

Targeting Coronal Hole (CH529) situated in the southern hemisphere of the solar corona. After analysis i have isolated (15-19°S latitude), this feature may produce a possible 7.2 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:

Tarapaca-Chile, Potosi-Bolivia, Vanuatu, Fiji or Tonga
Time Frame suggests Aug 17-19

Deep earthquake Sea Of Okhotsk August 14th
should produce further migrations of earthquakes in the coming days, past tracking may indicate areas at risk for a possible 6.5 magnitude earthquake:

Macquarie Islands Region, Auckland Islands Region or the Alpine Fault South Island Of New Zealand

Volcano / Earthquake Watch July 24-28, 2012

Dim lights

Targeting an unnumbered Coronal Hole on the solar corona. After analysis i have isolated (43-49°N latitude), this feature may produce a possible 7.4 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:

Off The Coast Of Oregon, Puget Sound Region Washington, Vancouver Islands Canada Region, Italy , Romania , Southwestern Siberia Russia or East Kazakhstan.
Time Frame suggests July 24-27.

M6.1 Solar Flare & Earth DIRECTED CME / Solar Watch July 29, 2012

Dim lights

Solar activity is picking up. For the second day in a row, sunspot 1532 has unleashed a moderately-strong solar flare. The latest, an M6-class eruption, occurred on July 28th at 2056 UT. A coronal mass ejection (CME) following this eruption was observed and it does have an earth bound component. More information shortly

Double Barrel M-Flares July 19, 2012

Dim lights

Departing Active Region 11520 has left the earth facing side of the disk with a bang producing two M-Class flares today. M6.7 at 05:41 and M7.7 at 05:58 UTC. Type II and Type IV Sweep Frequency Events resulted and a 10cm Radio Burtst (TenFlare). Large coronal mass ejection(CME) is now in progress but is not earth directed.

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