Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

fqDGWAx4-Qc Australian Earthquakes for September 2016

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

The Saturn 'Synchronicity'

1hjXs4SOsdk The Saturn 'Synchronicity' Following three Saturn 29 year 'Return Cycle' beginning in March 1936 reveal an surprising symmetry of past major events and newsworthy occurrences that have had obvious global significance. Saturn's sidereal period (orbit around sun) takes 29.42 Earth-y...

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

Planetary Alignment/Earthquake Watch April 2014

zai4lisSQK4 Two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant earthquakes to be registered at high latitudes (Alaska, Norwegian Sea) between 7.0- 7.5 Magnitude on either April 15-16...

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M1.1 Solar Flare & Earth DIRECTED CME May 2, 2013

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An earth-facing M1.1 Solar Flare was registered by Active Region 11731 at 05:10 UT this morning. This eruption took place in an earth-facing position which means any Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) will be earth directed. Latest imagery shows a strong CME leaving the sun shortly after the eruption. Geomagnetic storms should result as impact on earths magnetic field is expected sometime on May 5th. Associated with this blast was a 10cm Radio Burst and a Type II Radio Emission with an estimated velocity of 703 km/s.

Huge Prominence Eruption May 1, 2013

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A spectacular prominence eruption was observed at 02:30 today, officially classified as a far-side eruption from an active region not yet rotated onto the earth facing side of the disk unleashed a powerful blast into space, the resulting coronal mass ejection(CME) was not earth directed, this active region should rotate onto the earth facing side of the disk in 2-3 days.

Powerful M6.5 Solar Flare April 11, 2013

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Active Region 11719 unleashed a powerful M6.5 Solar Flare at 07:29 UTC today. The M-Class eruption will have a strong coronal mass ejection associated as the latest images show a strong (CME) heading earths way, it is estimated that impact on earths magnetic field should arrive late April 13th and a possible G2 or G3 Class Geomagnetic storm sometime during April 14th.

Volcano/Earthquake Watch April 25-30, 2013

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Earthquake Watch April 25-30

Targeting a large Coronal Hole(CH566) in Northern Hemisphere of the solar corona. After further analysis i have isolated an area (16-24°N latitude) this coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 7.8 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:
Taiwan, Luzon-Philippines, Mariana Islands, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico or Myanmar
Time Frame April 27-30

Targeting a large unnumbered Coronal Hole in Southern Hemisphere of the solar corona. After further analysis i have isolated an area (37-45°S latitude) this coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 6.5 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:

Aisen/Los Lagos-Chile, South Island Of New Zealand or Prince Edward Islands Region
Time Frame April 25-26

Volcano / Earthquake Watch April 5-8, 2013

Dim lights
Targeting a large Coronal Hole in Northern Hemisphere of the solar corona. After further analysis i have isolated an area (29-36°N latitude) these coronal hole may itself be a foreshadow for a 7.7 Magnitude earthquake in one of these listed locations during this watch period:
Western Xizang/Sichuan China, Near the south coast of Honshu/Izu Islands, Japan Region, Southern California or increased earthquake/volcanic activity in the Canary Islands Region(El Hierro)

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